Today I have decided to reflect on the Co-Op City Fun Day on the 25th of June. What a day it was! Myself and my team gave out information about D-Voyant and learned about how others in our community felt about a superhero with Autism and Epilepsy. We were heart-warmed at how much people loved the idea and the character. As you all know, D-Voyant is based on the Author's brother. When you put love into something, it will always grow. D-Voyant is a movement that will one day reach across the country and then the globe...
A true highlight of the day was when our CEO was able to draw people of all ages as D-Voyant characters. The purpose of this was to make them feel powerful while also shifting their minds towards acknowledging that there are heroes that are authentically like them and the people they are surrounded by.
The crescendo of the event was when the leaders of our community came together to speak to everyone about the importance of being a true community and voting. Exercising that right is a part of what makes our country so great. We all have a hand in deciding our fate so we should take it seriously.
To support our project, purchase your copy of D-Voyant on Amazon or our website. Spread the word. Share our content and follow our pages to keep up to date with what we are doing in our community and eventually, yours!